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Vaccinating children

The body of each child is protected by their immune system. It is in our power to strengthen this system even more, taking into account the characteristics of a child’s immune system.

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Vaccination of adults

An average adult is exposed to thousands of pathogens daily. The immune system, which works continuously and imperceptibly, protects the body from those pathogens.

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Here you can find vaccination points.

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Tasuta HPV-vaktsiinist loobujad peavad hiljem kaitsesüsti soovides sadu eurosid maksma

04. Sep 2019

Vaktsineerimine illustratiivne pilt.

Kuni selle aasta jõuludeni saavad 13-14-aastased tüdrukud end veel kooliõe juures emakakaelavähi vastu tasuta vaktsineerida, edaspidi tasub riik ainult 12-aastaste HPV-vaktsiini eest ja ülejäänutel tuleb kaitsesüstide eest sadu eurosid maksta.


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