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Vaccinating children

The body of each child is protected by their immune system. It is in our power to strengthen this system even more, taking into account the characteristics of a child’s immune system.

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Vaccination of adults

An average adult is exposed to thousands of pathogens daily. The immune system, which works continuously and imperceptibly, protects the body from those pathogens.

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Here you can find vaccination points.

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WHO: Euroopas on nakatunud tänavu leetritesse juba üle 90 000 inimese

13. Aug 2019


Euroopas registreeriti esimese seitsme kuu jooksul veidi enam kui 90 000 leetrijuhtumit, kolmandiku võrra rohkem kui möödunud aastal kokku, selgub Maailma Terviseorganisatsiooni värsketest andmetest.


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